Hundreds of people went to the Police Athletic League for the annual event
Police Athletic League
Huntington In
Hat Tip Megan Reckelhoff
Rotary was proud to help kick off the 2019 Huntington Heritage Days celebration with their annual Strawberry Feed June 20th, 2019. For the second year in a row, the event was held at
the Huntington PAL Club. For only $5.00 community members enjoyed all you can eat - short cake, ice cream, strawberries, and whipped cream.
The event could not be put on without 40+ Rotary club volunteers, 100 gallons of Strawberries, and 50 gallons of ice cream. Rotary feels extremely blessed that the community continues to support the event year after year. All proceeds will be used by Rotary club to give back to community in the coming year.
Enjoy these sneak peak photos, the full photo album will be posted the evening of 6-21-2019 at Greenbear Photography on Facebook. All videos in The Den may be copied and all photos on facebook may be downloaded, tagged or shared free of charge courtesy of Jill M. Denman Attorney at Law